I apply insights and techniques from cognitive science to reduce educational, health and social inequality and to test the efficacy of those approaches in different poverty contexts.

Since my PhD I’ve tried to identify methods in the interface of cognitive science and education to train, in preschoolers, cognitive processes that are necessary for school success (i.e., executive functions). Along my career, I trained them through computerized training; math and language school activities; and the school teaching of programming, testing the intervention impact using mostly behavioral measures.

Later, my work introduced the use of cognitive science bases and methods to improve health education (i.e., handwashing, dengue prevention) in low socioeconomic status primary school children and parents. I combined the basic research on core motivations of children learning inspired by cognitive science to examine how placing children in the role of health educators for their parents increased children and parents’ prevention knowledge.

Although my work is applied, it is also situated: the intervention aims, design, application and evaluation are informed by the community; it is also interdisciplinary and uses quantitative methodologies (e.g., mixed methods analysis) to answer educational questions. All my work is conducted in schools and involves teachers and educational authorities as an intrinsic part of the activities, as well as Foundations and ONGs interested in promoting education.


National University of San Luis, Argentina, School of Psychology (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina, Facultad de Psicología), Ph.D., 2007-2013 (Cognitive neuroscience and education: teaching approaches for vulnerable children), Advisor: Dr. Sebastián Lipina. Grade: summa cum laude.

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, School of Medicine (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Facultad de Medicina), post-graduate specialization course Neuroanatomy Applied to Neuroscience, 2009 (Neuroscience, Neuroanatomy).

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, School of Psychology (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Facultad de Psicología), B.S., 2000-2006 (Psychology).

International Honors

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), 2024, Invited professor and scientist at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sao Paulo, Brazil to give lectures and conduct research activities for 15 days. 

Ecole Normal Superieure-Paris (ENS-Paris), 2023, Invited professor and scientist. Grant for a one-month stay at ENS-Paris to give lectures and conduct research activities.

IBRO-IBE/UNESCO Science of Learning Fellowship. 2022. Distinction and fellowship for 3 months stay at UNESCO (Geneva, Switzerland)  to learn about policy making in an international context.

Cognitive Developmental Society. 2022. Diversity travel award for participation in the Cognitive Developmental Society

International Brain Research Organization. 2018. International Travel Grant for participation in the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting

James S. McDonnell Foundation. 2018. Scholarship for participation in 8th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences.

James S. McDonnell Foundation. 2012. Scholarship for participation in 2nd Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences